Fruit Trees S
Fruit Trees S
Common name. Santol
Botanical name. Sandoricum koetjape
Description. The Santol is a large, round, textured, yellow fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil.Young plants are frost sensitive and will require protection from cold, however once established they can handle a light brief frost. Grows to 7m high.
Common name. Sapodilla/Chiku
Botanical name. Manilkara zapota
Description. The Sapodilla or Chiku has a grey-brown rough textured skin and pinkish-brown, moist, soft and delicious fleshed fruit that tastes like a pear soaked in brown sugar. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Unripe fruits are hard and unpleasantly astringent. Grows to 8m high.
Common name. Sapote - Black
Botanical name. Diospyros nigra
Description.The Black Sapote is a hard, green fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. The brown flesh is sensational when eaten fresh with ice-cream, cream or yoghurt, frozen as an ice block or used to flavour/colour cakes and desserts. Grows to 8m high.
Common name. Sapote - White
Botanical name. Casimiroa edulis
Description. The White Sapote is a hard, white-yellow skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. The fruit flesh may be yellow, creamy white or orange and is rich, sweet and delicious with a flavour similar to a vanilla custard /Custard Apple.Grows to 8m high.
Common name. Sapote - Red - Dwarf
Botanical name. Diospyros nigra
Description. The Red Sapote is a hard, purple-red skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Grows to 8m high.
Common name. Sapote - Yellow
Botanical name. Pouteria campechiana
Description. The Yellow Sapote is a hard, yellow skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. The fruit has a delicious, rich apricot cheesecake flavor. Grows to 8m high.
Common name. Sea Grape
Botanical name. Coccoloba uvifera
Description. The Sea Grape is a cluster of green grape-like fruit that ripen to a red-purple colour. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Sea grapes are fairly hardy plants being able to be grown in a range of soil conditions, very tolerant of high salt conditions and able to survive light frosts with little damage. They can be used as a landscape tree near beaches and waterways as it adapts well to sandy soil. Grows to 3m-10m high.
Common name. Silvan Berry
Botanical name. Rubus species
Description. The Silvan Berry is a cross between R. 'Marion' and boysenberry. Grows to 3m-10m high.
Common name. Soursop
Botanical name. Annona muricata
Description. The Soursop is a green skinned, black seed filled, custard like pulped fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Trees are very cold-sensitive and start to show cold damage at about 4° C. Freeze damage will occur at about -1.5°C to mature trees, 0°C for young trees. Trees do well in sun or light shade, but heavy shade will cause reduction of fruit production. Trees should be fertilized three to four times a year with a citrus or fruit tree-type fertilizer. Trees normally grow well over a variety of soil types and have large yellowish flowers that are quite unusual in their appearance . Grows to 3m-10m high.
Common name. Soursop - Mountain
Botanical name. Annona montana
Description. The Mountain Soursop is a white skinned, black seed filled, custard like pulped fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Can tolerate temperatures a few degrees below freezing. Trees will grow well in dry conditions, are tolerant of a variety of soil types and can produce fruit after just two to three years. Grows to 3m-10m high.
Common name. Star Apple
Botanical name. Chrysophyllum cainito
Description. The Star Apple is a purple or green skinned fruit with red or purple pulp. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Can tolerate temperatures a few degrees below freezing. Grows to 8m-20m high.
Common name. Star Fruit
Botanical name. Averrhoa carambola
Description. The Star Fruit has a star shaped, golden coloured, sweet flavoured fruit . This Tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil, needs lots of water and is susceptible to frost damage. Has prolific fruiting all year round. Grows to 7m - 10m high.
Common name. Star Gooseberry
Botanical name. Phyllanthus distichus
Description. The Star Gooseberry are a green, tart, clustered fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil. Small ornamental tropical tree, to 6 m, leaves are compound with numerous pinnate leaflets. Grows to 7m-12m high.
Common name. Strawberry Tree
Botanical name. Muntingia calabura
Description. The Strawberry Tree is a red coloured, sweet, juicy fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.The Strawberry Tree is pioneer species that thrives in poor soil, able to tolerate acidic or alkaline conditions and drought. Grows to 7m-12m high.
Common name. Sugar Apple
Botanical name. Annona squamosa
Description. The Sugar Apple has a creamy lemon tasting fruit. This tree needs still soil as any movement could disrupt the roots growth. To harvest fruit, when yellow colour appears cut at stem. Grows to 4m - 15m high.
Common name. Sugar Cane - Black
Botanical name. Sacharum officinarum nigra
Description. The Black Sugar Cane is a grass/bamboo like source of sugar which has a black exterior. Grows to 2m - 5m high.
Common name. Sweet Calabash
Botanical name. Passiflora maliformis
Description. The Sweet Calabash fruit is a hard shelled, sweet fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil. The Passion fruits will drop off the tree when they are ripe. Grows as a vine