
Common name. Blueberry Ash
Botanical name. Elaeocarpus reticulatus
Description. The Blueberry Ash tree is a large ornamental tree that has green leaves, white flowers and purple drupes (not berries) . Grows to 15-30m high.
Common name. Blueberry Ash "Prima Donna"
Botanical name. Elaeocarpus reticulatus
Description. The Blueberry Ash tree Prima Donna is a shorter variant of Blueberry Ash and is an ornamental tree that has green leaves, white flowers and purple drupes (not berries) . Grows to 8m high.

Common name. Blush Satinash
Botanical name. Acmena hemilampra
Description. The Blush Satinash tree is a large ornamental tree that has green leaves and white flowers. Grows to 35m high.
Common name. China Doll Tree
Botanical name. Radermachera sinica
Description. The China Doll tree is a large ornamental tree that can also be used as an indoor pot plant or bonsai if cut back. Grows to 3 - 30m high.

Common name. Colville's Glory
Botanical name. Colvillea racemosa
Description. Colville's Glory is a tree known for it's bright orange flowers. Grows to 6 - 9m high.
Common name. Drunken Parrot Tree
Botanical name. Schotia brachypetala
Description. Drunken parrot tree is known by many names weeping boar-bean, tree fuchsia and african walnut. Grows to 5 - 20m high.

Common name. English Oak
Botanical name. Quercus robur
Description. The English Oak Tree is a long-lived tree, with a large wide spreading crown of rugged branches. valued for its importance to insects and other wildlife. Grows to 4 - 12m high.
Common name. Evergreen Ash
Botanical name. Fraxinus griffithii
Description. The Evergreen Ash is a fast growing tree with shiny, silver, furry leaves. Tolerates most conditions but prefers ful sun and well drained soil. Grows to 6 - 8m high.

Common name. Golden Ash
Botanical name. Fraxinus excelsior aurea
Description. The Golden Ash Tree can be used as shading or as a specimen. Can tolerate wet and dry conditions. Grows to 7m high and 7m wide.
Common name. Golden Penda
Botanical name. Xanthostemon chrysanthus
Description. The Golden Penda has yellow, showy flowers. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. The bark of this tree is very rough. Grows to 10m - 15m high.

Common name. Green Spartan Juniper
Botanical name. Juniperus chinensis 'Spartan'
Description. The Green Spartan Juniper is a great feature tree that can be shaped and used for hedging. Prefers moist well drained soil in full sun. Grows to 9m high and 3m wide.
Common name. Himalayan Ash
Botanical name. Fraxinus griffithii
Description. The Himalayan Ash is a fast growing tree with shiny, silver, furry leaves. Tolerates most conditions but prefers ful sun and well drained soil. Grows to 6 - 8m high.

Common name. Ivory Curl
Botanical name. Buckinghamia celsissima
Description. The Ivory Curl has dark green to white leaves and this makes it a very decorative tree. Grows to 10 -30m high.
Common name. Jacaranda
Botanical name. Jacaranda mimosifolia
Description. The Jacaranda Tree can tolerate brief temperatures down to around −7 °C . Grows to 5 -15m high.

Common name. Knotted Club Rush
Botanical name. Ficinia nodosa
Description. Knotted Club Rush grows well in sandy coast areas near lakes. Grows to 15cm - 100cm high.
Common name. Leopard Tree
Botanical name. Caesalpinia ferrea
Description. The Leopard Tree has wood that is used in guitars and can also be used in flooring and furniture. Grows to 6 - 10m high.

Common name. London Plane Tree
Botanical name. Platanus x acerifolia
Description. The London Plane Tree has pale, smooth bark and grows flowers and fruit. Grows to 20 - 30m high.
Common name. Mount Spurgeon Black Pine
Botanical name. Prumnopitys ladei
Description. The Mount Spurgeon Black Pine has black and flaky bark, a rare ornamental plant. Grows to 10m high.

Common name. Native Franjipani
Botanical name. Hymenosporum flavum
Description. The Native Franjipani Tree is highly adaptable. Very young seedlings are easily killed by frosts but if kept in a sheltered position until about 4–5 feet high, will thrive in cooler areas, as long as they have access to water during hot dry spells. Grows to 8m high.
Common name. Native Gardenia
Botanical name. Randia fitzalanii
Description. The Native Gardenia is a high acidic, very tart, yellow segmented fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil, It will tolerate and continue to fruit heavily in drought conditions. The tree is very attractive, with large drooping leaves and a layered form. Grows to 8m high.

Common name. Norfolk Island Pine
Botanical name. Araucaria heterophylla
Description.The Nofolk Island Pine is a very tall wind resistant tree. Grows to 50 - 60m high.
Common name. Ornamental Pear
Botanical name. Pyrus aristocrat
Description. The Ornamental Pear is a great shading tree ideal for use in many landscaping situations. Can handle heavy water levels and most conditions. Grows to 11m high.

Common name. Paperbark - Broad Leaved
Botanical name. Melaleuca quinquenervia
Description. The Broad Leaf Paper Bark has thick, spongy, grey bark and wide leaves. Used widely for production including paper. Grows to 8 -20m high.
Common name. Paperbark - White - Broad Leaved
Botanical name. Melaleuca leucadendra
Description. The White Broad Leaf Paper Bark has thick, spongy, white bark and wide leaves. Grows to 10 -14m high.

Common name. Paperbark - White - Fine Leaved
Botanical name. Melaleuca leucadendra
Description. The White fine Leaf Paper Bark tree has thick, spongy, white bark and thin leaves. Grows to 10 -14m high.
Common name. Pussy Willow
Botanical name. Salix caprea
Description. The Pussy Willow Tree is a long-lived tree. The leaves turn gold or yellow in autumn. Grows to 8 -10m high.

Common name. Queensland Bottle Tree
Botanical name. Brachychiton rupestris
Description. The Queensland Bottle Trees hoist woody, boat-shaped fruits.They grow best in well drained, slightly acidic soil, in full sunshine. Grows to 18m - 20m high.
Common name. Red Silky Oak
Botanical name. Grevillea banksii
Description. The Red Silky Oak has flowers that are bright red or creamy-white, in clusters up to 15 cm long. Grows to 7m high.

Common name. Revolution Green Murtle
Botanical name. Melaleuca bracteata
Description. The Revolutuion Green Murtle has white flowers, likes full sun or part shade and quickly grows to 6m high and 4m wide.
Common name. Scarlet Oak
Botanical name. Quercus coccinea
Description. The Scarlet Oak has red-pink leaves that turn bronze in autumn. Grows to 20 -30m high.

Common name. Swamp Cypress
Botanical name. Taxodium distichum
Description. The Swamp Cypress is a cone tree that strives in wetlands. Plant near water. Suitable for bonsai. Grows to 25 - 40m high.
Common name. Tortured Willow
Botanical name. Salix matsudana
Description. The Tortured Willow Tree is a rapidly growing tree tree. The flowers are bourne in catkins produced in spring. Grows to 6 - 9m high.

Common name. Traveller's Palm
Botanical name. Ravenala madagascariensis
Description. The Traveller's Palm got its name from its ability to store lots of water in the sheaths of the plant that travelers could use as emergency water as the water was murky and black and needed purification . Not a true palm and is a member of the Bird of Paradise family. Requires moderate water. Grows to 7m high.
Common name. Tuckeroo
Botanical name. Cupaniopsis anacardioides
Description. The Tuckeroo has fruit with an orange to yellow capsule that has three lobes. It is an attractive plant as an ornamental or a street tree, particularly by coastal areas. Grows to 10m high.

Common name. Weeping Fig
Botanical name. Ficus microcarpa 'hilli'