
Common name. Cardboard Cycad
Botanical name. Zamia furfuracae
Description. The Cardboard Cycad grows very slowly when young, but its growth accelerates after the trunk matures. Grows to 2m high.
Common name. Coontie
Botanical name. Zamia integrifolia
Description. The Coontie requires well-drained sands or sandy loam soils, It prefers filtered sunlight to partial shade and must be well watered. Grows to 90cm - 120cm high because of its drooping nature.

Common name. Gum Palm
Botanical name. Dioon spinulosum
Description. The Gum Palm prefers well-drained soil with regular water. It will grow in soils containing few nutrients, in soils rich in limestone, and on slopes. Grows to 12m - 15m high and is one of the tallest growing cycads in the world.
Common name. Sago Palm
Botanical name. Cycas revoluta
Description. A beautiful feature plant suited to temperate to tropical climates. Grow in full sun, frost and drought tolerant, little water once established. Can propagate from seed or pups. Grows to 6m - 7m high.