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Fruit Trees P

Common name. Panama Berry

Botanical name. Muntingia calabura

Description. The Panama Berry is a red coloured, sweet, juicy fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.The Panama berry is pioneer species that thrives in poor soil, able to tolerate acidic or alkaline conditions and drought. Grows to 7m-12m high.

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Common name. Papayuela

Botanical name. Carica pubescens

Description. The Papayuela is a mega-exotic fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.A high-altitude fruit preferring to live above 2,000 m.Grows to 7m-12m high.

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Common name. Passionfruit - Black Magic

Botanical name. Passiflora edulis nigra

Description. The Passionfruit is a juicy, round shaped, purple coloured fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil. Passionfruit are a fast growing vine which have striking flowers in spring, followed by fruit Passionfruit crop within 18 months and should be replaced every few years. Grows on a vine.

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Common name. Passionfruit - Panama Gold

Botanical name. Passiflora edulis

Description. The Passionfruit is a juicy, round shaped, purple coloured fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Passionfruit are a fast growing vine which have striking flowers in spring, followed by fruit Passionfruit crop within 18 months and should be replaced every few years. Grows on a vine.

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Common name. Passionfruit - Panama Red

Botanical name. Passiflora edulis

Description. The Passionfruit is a juicy, round shaped, purple coloured fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Passionfruit are a fast growing vine which have striking flowers in spring, followed by fruit Passionfruit crop within 18 months and should be replaced every few years. Grows on a vine.

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Common name. Passionfruit- Sweet Lilikoi

Botanical name. Passiflora alata

Description. The Passionfruit is a juicy, round shaped, purple coloured fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Passionfruit are a fast growing vine which have striking flowers in spring, followed by fruit Passionfruit crop within 18 months and should be replaced every few years. Grows on a vine.

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Common name. Passionfruit - Yellow

Botanical name. Passiflora edulis

Description. The Passionfruit is a juicy, round shaped, yellow coloured fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Passionfruit are a fast growing vine which have striking flowers in spring, followed by fruit Passionfruit crop within 18 months and should be replaced every few years. Grows on a vine.

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Common name. PawPaw - Papaya

Botanical name. Carica papaya

Description. The Papaya is a soft skinned fruit, varieties include both yellow and orange/red flesh. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Original varieties require both male and female trees, but bi-sexual varieties are available. Grows to 5m - 10m high. Available in Yellow Round and Red bisexual.

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Common name. Peach - Angel

Botanical name. Prunus persica

Description. The Peach is a yellow-white fleshed, red skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Peach trees all have a low chill requirement allowing them to be grown and produce a good crop of delicious fruit in SE Queensland’s sub-tropical climate. Grows to 4m-11m high.

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Common name. Peach - Coastal - White Flesh

Botanical name. Prunus persica

Description. The Peach is a yellow-white fleshed, red skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Peach trees all have a low chill requirement allowing them to be grown and produce a good crop of delicious fruit in SE Queensland’s sub-tropical climate. Grows to 4m-11m high.

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Common name. Peach - Dwarf

Botanical name. Prunus persica

Description. The Peach is a yellow-white fleshed, red skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Peach trees all have a low chill requirement allowing them to be grown and produce a good crop of delicious fruit in SE Queensland’s sub-tropical climate. Grows to 4m-6m high.

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Common name. Peach - Maravilla - White Flesh

Botanical name. Prunus persica

Description. The Peach is a yellow-white fleshed, red skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Peach trees all have a low chill requirement allowing them to be grown and produce a good crop of delicious fruit in SE Queensland’s sub-tropical climate. Grows to 4m-11m high.

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Common name. Peach - Tropical - Aztec Gold

Botanical name. Prunus persica

Description. The Peach is a yellow-white fleshed, red skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Peach trees all have a low chill requirement allowing them to be grown and produce a good crop of delicious fruit in SE Queensland’s sub-tropical climate. Grows to 4m high.

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Common name. Peach - Tropical - Desert Red

Botanical name. Prunus persica

Description. The Peach is a yellow-white fleshed, red skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Peach trees all have a low chill requirement allowing them to be grown and produce a good crop of delicious fruit in SE Queensland’s sub-tropical climate. Grows to 4m-11m high.

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Common name. Peach - Tropical - Florda Prince

Botanical name. Prunus persica

Description. The Peach is a yellow-white fleshed, red skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Peach trees all have a low chill requirement allowing them to be grown and produce a good crop of delicious fruit in SE Queensland’s sub-tropical climate. Grows to 4m-11m high.

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Common name. Peach - Tropical - Sherman's Red

Botanical name. Prunus persica

Description. The Peach is a yellow-white fleshed, red skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.Peach trees all have a low chill requirement allowing them to be grown and produce a good crop of delicious fruit in SE Queensland’s sub-tropical climate. Grows to 4m-11m high.

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Common name. Peacherine

Botanical name. Prunus persica

Description. The Peacherine is a yellow fleshed, red skinned, fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil. Fruit tastes more like a peach but inherits many of the nectarine's easy-to-eat qualities like fuzz-free skin and silky fruit texture. Grows to 3m high.

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Common name. Peachcot

Botanical name. Prunus persica x Prunus armeniaca

Description. The Peachcot is a yellow skinned, peach-like fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil. Cross between peach and apricot, flavour in between both, early maturing fruit with firm flesh. Grows to 4m-11m high

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Common name. Peanut Butter Tree

Botanical name. Sterculia quadrifida

Description. The Peanut Butter Tree has clusters of large, leathery, boat-shaped pods. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.

Pods turn bright orange-red when ripe to expose large, satiny, blue-black, edible seeds. Seeds can be eaten raw or roasted and taste like peanuts.

Grows to 10m high

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Common name. Pear - China

Botanical name. Pyrus communis

Description. The Pear is a strange shaped, green skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil, being a deciduous tree they have a high frost tolerance. Tropical Pears only require a small amount of chilling hours (250-300) to produce juicy, firm fleshed fruit. Grows to 5m high.

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Common name. Pear - Golden Globe

Botanical name. Pyrus communis

Description. The Pear is a strange shaped, green skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil, being a deciduous tree they have a high frost tolerance. Tropical Pears only require a small amount of chilling hours (250-300) to produce juicy, firm fleshed fruit. Grows to 5m high.

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Common name. Pear - Nashi - Hosui

Botanical name. Pyrus communis

Description. The Pear is a strange shaped, green skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil, being a deciduous tree they have a high frost tolerance. Tropical Pears only require a small amount of chilling hours (250-300) to produce juicy, firm fleshed fruit. Grows to 5m high.

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Common name. Pear Tropical

Botanical name. Pyrus communis

Description. The Pear is a strange shaped, green skinned fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil, being a deciduous tree they have a high frost tolerance. Tropical Pears only require a small amount of chilling hours (250-300) to produce juicy, firm fleshed fruit. Grows to 5m high.

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Common name. Pecan Nut

Botanical name. Carya illinoinensis

Description. The Pecan Nut is a brown coloured, wall nut-like fruit. Pecans grow well in a sheltered sunny position. Native to a warm to hot and generally dry climate they prefer a rich, deep, well drained, slightly acidic soil. Nuts ripen in late Autumn and should be collected regularly once fallen to the ground. Grows to 5m high.

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Common name. Pepino

Botanical name. Solanum muricatum

Description. The Pepino is a yellow skinned, purple striped, rock-melon flavoured fruit.This tree requires full sun with well drained soil. Loosely related to the tomato this shrub grows rarely above 1 m tall in a sprawling habit and makes an excellent ground cover plant. Grows to 1m high.

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Common name. Persimmon

Botanical name. Diospyros kaki

Description. The Persimmon is a sweet, yellow skinned fruit.This tree requires full sun with well drained soil.When eaten unripe, astringent fruit has a furry unpleasant taste that results in a dry, mouth puckering sensation which can keep insect and bird damage to a minimum. Grows to 2.5m-8m high.

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Fuyu Gaki, Ichikikei, Jiro Jiro and Nightingale varieties available

Common name. Phalsa Berry

Botanical name. Grewia asiatica

Description. The Phalsa Berry is a small, sweet, sour and purple fruit that grows on a small tree

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Common name. Pineapple Guava

Botanical name. Feijoa sellowiana

Description. The Feijoa has a oval, green, sweet, jelly like fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Sometimes known as a pineapple guava it is not actually a guava but has the taste of a pineapple/guava. Grows to 3m high.

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Common name. Pine Nut

Botanical name. Pinus koraiensis

Description. The Pine Nut is an edible edible seed of pines on pine trees. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. To reach full maturity, the environmental conditions and time allowed must be favourable for the tree and its cones. Grows to 3m high.

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Common name. Pitomba

Botanical name. Eugenia luschnathiana

Description. The Pitomba is a globose, bright orange-yellow berry fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Cultivation is limited to subtropical regions, with the species able to tolerate frosts only down to about −1 °C. Grows to 3m high.

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Common name. Plum - Blood - Iluka

Botanical name. Prunus salicina

Description. The Plum is sweet, colourful fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Very ornamental tree noted for their mass display of stark white flowers that appear in late winter/early spring whilst the tree is still bare of leaves. Require from 300 hr plus hours chill time depending on variety. Grows to 4m high.

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Common name. Plum - Blood - Satsuma

Botanical name. Prunus salicina

Description. The Plum is sweet, colourful fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Very ornamental tree noted for their mass display of stark white flowers that appear in late winter/early spring whilst the tree is still bare of leaves. Require from 300 hr plus hours chill time depending on variety. Grows to 4m high.

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Common name. Plumcott

Botanical name. Prunus salicina x Prunus cerasifera

Description. The Plumcott is a orange skinned, plum-like fruit. This tree requires full sun with well drained soil. Cross between plum and apricot, flavour in between both, early maturing fruit with firm flesh. Grows to 3m high

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Common name. Plum - Gulf Gold - Yellow Flesh

Botanical name. Prunus salicina

Description. The Plum is sweet, colourful fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Very ornamental tree noted for their mass display of stark white flowers that appear in late winter/early spring whilst the tree is still bare of leaves. Require from 300 hr plus hours chill time depending on variety. Grows to 4m high.

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Common name. Plum - Natal

Botanical name. Carissa macrocarpa

Description. The Plum is sweet, colourful fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Very ornamental tree noted for their mass display of stark white flowers that appear in late winter/early spring whilst the tree is still bare of leaves. Require from 300 hr plus hours chill time depending on variety. Grows to 4m high.

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Common name. Plum - Santa Rosa

Botanical name. Prunus salicina

Description. The Plum is sweet, colourful fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Very ornamental tree noted for their mass display of stark white flowers that appear in late winter/early spring whilst the tree is still bare of leaves. Require from 300 hr plus hours chill time depending on variety. Grows to 4m high.

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Common name. Plum - White China - Yellow Flesh

Botanical name. Prunus salicina

Description. The Plum is sweet, colourful fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Very ornamental tree noted for their mass display of stark white flowers that appear in late winter/early spring whilst the tree is still bare of leaves. Require from 300 hr plus hours chill time depending on variety. Grows to 4m high.

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Common name. Plum - Yarrahapinni Blood

Botanical name. Prunus salicina

Description. The Plum is sweet, colourful fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Very ornamental tree noted for their mass display of stark white flowers that appear in late winter/early spring whilst the tree is still bare of leaves. Require from 300 hr plus hours chill time depending on variety. Grows to 4m high.

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Common name. Pomegranate - Wonderful

Botanical name. Punica granatum

Description. The Pomegranate is a large, purple coloured, juicy, edible-seed filled fruit. This tree requires full sun with moist well drained soil. Highly ornamental shrub to small tree with attractive foliage, flowers and fruit, fruit ripens in early autumn and once picked, will continue to sweeten in storage. Grows to 3m high.

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Spanish dwarf


Common name. Pomelo - Flick's Yellow

Botanical name. Citrus Maxima

Description. The Pomelo is a White fleshed, excellent mild flavour. Cold hardy. Certain characteristics suggest this is not a true pummelo but a hybrid.

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